

Tracy McLennan

Tracy has worked within Education for over twenty years both in the classroom teaching science and then with the Local Authority as an Education Welfare Officer. Tracy was Principal Education Welfare Lead within her Local Authority before leaving to develop a more flexible working model. Tracy is a Qualified Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and was an experienced Senior Leader in Secondary School, focussing on supporting learners with SEND. In her spare time (and yes there is some!) she loves to spend time with her children, dogs, horses and hens. She enjoys walking, horse riding and baking (though not at the same time)


Clare Martin

Since graduating from the University of Leeds in 2015, Clare has spent the past 5 years working within the education sector. With a substantial proportion of her experience in ESL, she has worked with schools and colleges in China, New Zealand, Australia, and Mallorca. However, she is happiest when she is in Cornwall. When she is not working, she is making the most of the outdoors (despite the weather!) by surfing, climbing, or hiking her way around the county.